Governor Adamson Update On Lead And Mercury Levels 8/22

Statement Of The Office Of Governor Joshua Adamson


ALDEN - I am here to report that the water treatment plans that have been in effect since August 21, 2024, are showing great results and we are pleased to report that that the unsafe levels of mercury and lead are slowly but surely coming down, per eight tests conducted 24 hours after the first treatment of the water reserves. While the lead and mercury levels are coming down, we are advising all state residents that it still is not safe to use the water to cook, bath, or consume, unless it is boiled. As of now, we are sure that in two months time, the high level of lead and mercury should be controlled enough to stop the boil water advisory.

Additionally, we expect it to take about 2-3 months for the water's lead levels to be at a safe level for human use. We want to reiterate that you should not drink the water unless it has been boiled.

As we gather more information, we will continue to release statements regarding our state's response to the water crisis. We know that many of you are not consuming your tap water, but we are sure that in a 2 month's time, it will be safe to drink from your tap again. We are also now advising residents to allow their faucets to run with cold water. 


Joshua Adamson

Governor Of Mesa