Statement On The Death Of Kirk Paul

Statement From The Office Of Governor Joshua Adamson


ALDEN - Moments ago I was notified that former Mesa Governor Kirk Paul had succumbed to his injuries. I just want to say how bad my heart breaks for Alexis Paul and her two children. They have already been through so much with the death of their beloved son and brother back in October of 2022. Now they are facing this unimaginable tragedy.

I just want to reiterate, that my office will put every resource together to understand what happened and why the shooter did what he did, and ensure justice is served for not only Kirk Paul, but his family and kids. I don't think I could say anything futher on the matter than that. It's just heartbreaking and my staff and I, send our sincerest and most heartfelt condolences to the Paul family at this time.


Joshua Adamson

Governor Of Mesa